Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant



Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

What Is The FUE Technique For Hair Transplantation?

FUE has become the most preferred technique in hair transplantation for several reasons. By using the FUE technique, large numbers of hair follicles can be transplanted without surgery, incisions, or stitches. Also, the success rate of this technique reaches 99%, of course, if it is done in the hands of experts. It is also the best and most suitable option for women’s hair, beard, and chin transplantation.

Follicular Unit Extraction, known as FUE is where the hair follicles are harvested one by one from the donor area to the recipient or to be transplanted.

Stages Of FUE Hair Transplant

  • Hair and scalp examination: The first step in the hair transplant process is very important. It enables the surgeon to determine the best areas in the head to extract the hair follicles. In this step, the surgeon examines and analyzes the hair using a dedicated device to get a better view of the condition of the hair. The hair quality and density in the donor area, the rate of hair loss, and the number of grafts to be transferred from the donor area to the treated are determined using this analysis device.
  • Drawing the hairline: In this step, the surgeon defines the frontal hairline and the final appearance of the hair. Determining the final hairline is done with the patient to get their approval.
    • Shaving: The FUE technique typically requires patients to shave their whole hair for better picking and transplanting process.
    • Local anesthesia: Local anesthesia is applied to minimize the discomfort and pain.
    • Extracting hair follicles: The surgeon, using a precise motor, extracts the hair follicles one by one. Then, these hair follicles are preserved in a solution to protect them from damage, extend their life, and maintain their quality till the transplantation process.
    • Transplantation: The surgeon opens the channels in the recipient area to insert the grafts taken from the donor area.

After The Transplantation

Changes in hair growth after FUE hair transplantation typically develop as follows:

  • After five or six days, crusting and flaking occur.
    Within 15-21 days after FUE hair transplantation, a temporary shock period begins, which is also known as “shock loss”. The transplanted hair begins to fall out, and this is normal. In fact, the shock of hair loss is a good sign of the success of the procedure.
  • After three months, the hair follicles begin to grow.
  • After six months, the patient begins to notice the growth of the transplanted hair follicles significantly, around 60-70%.
  • One year after the hair transplantation, the hair takes its final shape.

Advantages Of FUE Hair Transplantation

The FUE technique has been able to overcome many of the shortcomings of the traditional hair transplantation technique. Nowadays, the FUE technique along with the DHI technique is one of the most preferred methods of hair transplantation for many reasons, including but not limited to;

  • High success rate

FUE hair transplantation ensures healthy, natural-looking hair with a very high success rate of 99% as long as they are done by experts and the latest technologies. Therefore, it is important to choose the right clinic.

  • Convenient process and faster recovery time

The FUE technique does not require making incisions or wounds, as the hair follicles are taken one by one and placed in the open channels in the recipient area (to be transplanted). Thus, the recovery time is almost zero.

  • The low risk of infection

Compared to traditional hair transplantation techniques, the risk of exposure to inflammation or infection in the transplanted area using the FUE technique is very low. It could be less than 1%.

  • Large numbers of  hair follicles

With the FUE method, up to 6,000 hair follicles can be transplanted in one session. Of course, the number depends on the situation of each patient.

Candidates Of FUE Hair Transplantation

  • Those who suffer from hair loss problems.
  • Anyone over eighteen years old.
  • Those who are in good general health.
  • Those with high quality and dense donor area.

What Are The Causes Of Hair Loss?

The problem of hair loss is common in both men and women for many reasons, which may differ from one to another. The most common causes of hair loss are as follows;

  • Genetic causes.
  • Stress and psychological causes.
  • Some types of medication.
  • Some hair care or styling products.
  • Hormonal changes.

Tips Before FUE Hair Transplant 

During the first consultation between the patient and the medical advisor, some important tips are given to the patient to ensure the success of the procedure. These tips are;

  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks before the hair transplant operation. Because smoking negatively affects the growth of hair follicles.
  • Stop drinking alcohol for at least a week before the operation. Because alcohol negatively affects anesthesia.
  • Refrain from drinking any natural blood thinners, such as green tea. These cause severe bleeding during and after the operation, which may lead to the failure of hair transplantation.
  • Refrain from drinking stimulants such as coffee at least four days before the hair transplant procedure. These stimulants affect the anesthesia process.
  • Ensure to maintain a healthy and balanced diet in general to avoid any complications.
  • Stop taking medications that cause blood thinning such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

In the event that you are subject to certain medications, you must consult your doctor and ensure that you are suitable for the transplantation process. Doctor’s approval must be obtained before transplantation. You should also inform the plastic surgeon about your health and medical history, before performing the transplant.

Tips After FUE Hair Transplantation 

After the hair transplant procedure, the patient must follow the doctor’s instructions carefully. Achieving the desired results depends on this stage. Therefore, the patient must follow the post-operative instructions as follows;

  • During the first 48 hours after hair transplantation, wear a headband to avoid swelling.
  • Avoid bending your head during the first three days after the operation to prevent swelling of the eyes.
  • Do not wash your hair during the first three days after the operation.
  • Avoid swimming in the sea for three months, and in the pool for two months.
  • Avoid any work that leads to sweating for a certain time.
  • Avoid Turkish baths or sauna for at least a month.
  • Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, heat, rain, dust, and high humidity for at least one month. If necessary, a medical cap must be worn when going outside.
  • Stop smoking for at least two months.
  • Use medical shampoo only when washing hair. Avoid using chemical shampoos.
  • Commit to take the medications prescribed by the doctor and follow any other instructions carefully.
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse for a week.

The patient can also resort to more treatments to promote the growth of hair follicles, such as plasma injections, laser sessions, and some hair vitamins.

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