Masseter Botoks



Masseter Botoks

Masseter Botoks


Like all other botoks treatments, masseter botoks injections are preferred to serve aesthetic purposes and treatments for some medical problems such as; tension headaches and muscle hypertrophy.

Masseter muscles are the muscles that connect the lower jaw with the cheeks. In other words, they are the jaw muscles.

This muscle is crucial to the chewing process and is very strong. Therefore, botoks injection sites must be done by a professional, successful and highly trained dentist/medical practitioner.

Otherwise, mistakes may affect any other facial muscle or the jaw muscle from functioning well, or in the worst-case scenario; it can paralyze the muscle.


It would be best to look only for well-trained and qualified doctors who have been doing the same Botoks procedure (Jaw muscle injections) for a very long time. Also, they must have a vast record of successful masseter Botoks injections.

Therefore, ask your dentist for a good referral, check with people who did the same treatment options, or search the internet and look for clinics with high reviews.


The first and most crucial step is the consultation between the patient and the dentist or the medical practitioner. During this consultation, a full examination of the patient’s medical history, conditions, and current medications, if any, will be well examined.

If the Botoks injection is used to treat TMJ disorder, then a dentist must operate or supervise the injection. Yet, if the person, who will do the injections, differs from the patient’s dentist, some examinations for the patient’s jaw must be conducted again before the masseter botoks injections. Also, the patient must get a recent medical report from their current dentist explaining in detail their medical conditions.

TMJ is a temporomandibular joint disorder, a dysfunction that occurs in the jaw joints when the muscles and ligaments around it are inflamed or irritated.

Many things may be the reasons, such as ;

  • Bruxism.
  • An improper bite.
  • Stress.
  • Trauma.
  • Arthritis in the TMJ.

When applying botoks injections to the area relaxes muscles and relieves the pain.

The other purpose of botoks injections for masseter muscles is aesthetic reasons. Some people may have large masseter muscles that cause a square shape face shape. This might be by birth or due to habits, such as over-chewing gums, that enlarged the muscles. Therefore, botoks injections are a convenient solution for;

  • People seeking to slim their masseter muscles.
  • People seeking to reshape their face from a square to an oval or heart face shape.
  • People who want to reduce the size of their masseter muscles.
  • People who simply want to readjust the size of their masseter muscle.


After the consultation and required examinations are completed, the dentist will determine the proper technique for masseter botoks injections and the portion depending on each patient’s conditions.

The dentist may draw lines to outline the injection area on the side of your jaw lines to insert the needed units of botoks. Sometimes they may apply ice to numb it, but the procedure usually causes minimal pain, more like a pinch for this area.

The patient must clench the muscle while the dentist is injecting the botoks. Also, the injection must be done correctly for the best results and to avoid possible side effects. The best way is to outline the correct area or side of the masseter muscle.

The injection must be done towards the bottom of the muscle and a little bit further back. Otherwise, it may affect the ability to smile or make any facial expressions.

The process is of a short time and is done very quickly. It usually takes 15 minutes. The patient will be able to resume their daily activities normally.

The result may be instant after the procedure is completed, and the outcome, especially for the contouring of the jaw and chin areas, will be visible within 14 days. The injection will reduce teeth grinding and pain and create a slimmer chin or jaw line. The masseter botoks injection effect may last from 3-6 months.


There are a few tips and things to avoid after the masseter botoks injections that are necessary for better results and to prevent possible side effects.

These tips are;

  • The patient must maintain a straight position for almost seven hours after the injections, or in other words, avoid bending or lying down.
  • For the first day after injection, the patient must avoid drinking alcohol, smoking and exercising.
  • Refrain from hot baths, Turkish baths, saunas, and direct sun exposure for a while.
  • Avoid stressing, rubbing, or scratching the treated area, and avoid any pressure on it.

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