Dhi Hair Transplant



Dhi Hair Transplant

Dhi Hair Transplant


Hair loss is a very common issue for many people. Over 85% of men suffer from hair loss by the age of 50, against 50% of women. Multiple solutions and several techniques have been discovered during the past few years, and one of the recent and most effective techniques is the DHI method.

A hair transplant surgery is basically done by transferring hair follicles from the healthy area to the bald area. The doctor removes the hair follicles from the back of the head, called the donor area, and implants them into the bald areas, where they will grow new hairs.

Direct Hair Implantation, commonly known as DHI, is an improved version of the Follicular Unit Extraction, FUE, hair transplantation technique but follows the same procedure. There are, of course, some essential differences between these two techniques. One of the crucial differences is that in FUE Technique, the doctor first needs to open channels and then implant the individual hair follicles. However, the channels are opened and implanted in the hair simultaneously in the DHI procedure.


During the DHI hair transplant procedure, after extracting the hair follicles from the donor area, the doctor opens channels and implants the grafts directly and simultaneously into the recipient area with the Choi Implanter Pen. The whole process takes about 6 to 8 hours, and up to 3500 extracted follicles can be implanted.

Two main techniques of the DHI method can be performed, depending on the case and the results that the patient is seeking:

Mega DHI Technique

The Mega DHI technique allows us to implant up to 7000 hair follicles, performed over two sessions over two consecutive days. This hair transplant method gives more density.


The DHI technique for hair transplantation is usually required in some instances as it is unsuitable for everyone. Men and women with androgenic alopecia areata, commonly called male or female pattern hair loss, are generally the best candidates for DHI hair transplantation.

To be a suitable candidate for hair transplantation with the DHI technique, here are the required characteristics:

  • Age: The candidate should be over 25 years old; hair loss can be more unpredictable before this age.
  • General Health: The candidate must be in good health.
  • Hair density: The patient’s donor area should have enough follicles per square centimeter to suit the hair transplant.
  • Hair diameter: Generally, people with thicker hair achieve better results than those with thinner hair.


Like all operations, DHI hair transplantation requires some preparations to ensure a successful hair transplant and to avoid any side effects. Here are some of the essential instructions that the patient should follow carefully:

  • Refrain from drinking alcohol at least a week before the hair transplant, as it weakens the effect of the anesthesia.
  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks before the hair transplant procedure.
  • Refrain from taking blood thinners, such as natural drinks like green tea.
  • Stop taking painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen ingredients.
  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet before the DHI hair transplant to avoid any complications that may occur during or after the operation.


Like all operations, DHI hair transplantation requires some preparations to ensure a successful hair transplant and to avoid any side effects. Here are some of the essential instructions that the patient should follow carefully:

  • Refrain from drinking alcohol at least a week before the hair transplant, as it weakens the effect of the anesthesia.
  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks before the hair transplant procedure.
  • Refrain from taking blood thinners, such as natural drinks like green tea.
  • Stop taking painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen ingredients.
  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet before the DHI hair transplant to avoid any complications that may occur during or after the operation.


Once the operation is done, aftercare is essential to get successful results. After having the hair transplant and during the hair restoration period, the patient must carefully follow the instructions below:

  • Keep their head straight and avoid bending it as much as possible for three days to prevent the forehead and eyes from swelling.
  • Wear a headband for 48 hours to avoid swelling.
  • Refrain from washing their hair for three days after the procedure
  • Refrain from swimming in the sea for three months and in the pool for two months to protect the newly implanted follicles.
  • Stay away from direct sunlight, heat, rain, dust, and high humidity for at least a month, and preferably wear a medical hat when going out.
  • Refrain from smoking for at least two months after the procedure as it hinders the growth of the follicles leading to their fall.
  • Use medical shampoo only when washing the hair; avoid using chemical shampoo.
  • Refrain from going to a Turkish bath, steam bath, or sauna for a month at least since they harm the follicles.
  • Maintain having the required treatments and medications prescribed by the doctor, as they help quickly heal the wounds and increase hair follicle growth.
  • Refrain from marital intercourse for a week.

After a short time, the patient can return to work and their daily activities.


The hair transplantation procedure with the DHI technique goes through several stages:

First stage: In this stage, we determine the density of the donor area, the bald area, and the number of follicles to be picked out. Then the expert draws a new natural hairline.

Second stage: The patient undergoes some necessary tests and checkups, such as blood tests and dermatology examinations.

Third stage: In the DHI method, the donor area is shaved to enable harvesting of the grafts. The patient is then given local anesthesia for a painless procedure.

Fourth stage: During this stage, the doctor starts harvesting the hair follicles from the donor area via the Micro Motor. The hair grafts are then placed in a saline solution called Hypothermosol to keep them alive as long as possible while out of the scalp.

Fifth Stage: The final stage is hair transplantation. When the DHI method is used, the hair follicles are placed in Choi pens that will open the channels and implant the grafts simultaneously, with one click only.

The patients can see the results after some time. After six months, the patient can start seeing the growth of hair follicles. The full results can be seen after a full year.

When you decide to undergo a hair transplant procedure, make sure you choose the hair transplant clinic wisely and carefully. As simple as this procedure might be, if it is not performed by professionals and with high-quality material, it may lead to unwanted results.

Always check the before and after pictures of the hair transplant clinic you are consulting. Ask about the cost of the whole journey and what is included to get the best value for your money.

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