Botoks For Migraine



Botoks For Migraine

Botoks For Migraine


Botoks has been used intensively in the cosmetic field for the last two decades. Botoks treatment is used to prevent aging signs such as wrinkles.

However, botoks injections are not purely for cosmetic purposes; they can come in handy in treating over 11 medical conditions like preventing headaches, dry eyes, overactive bladder, and chronic migraines, for example.

Here, we will discuss how botoks work, what it is, and who can be a suitable candidate for migraine botoks injections.


Botoks’s scientific name is botulinum toxin, also known as a botulinum neurotoxin, and it is a protein that causes muscles to relax. That’s why botulinum toxin products are beneficial.


Before explaining the process, let us understand what a migraine headache is. A migraine headache is a severe headache that usually occurs on one side of the head. The main symptoms are;

Sensitivity to lights.

Sensitivity to noise.

Neck pain.

A feeling of nausea may result in vomiting.

Some people may experience what is known in medical terms as an aura before or within the migraine attacks, and its symptoms are as below;

  • Visual disturbances
  • Tingling on one side of the face, arm, or leg.
  • Speaking difficulties

However, the symptoms vary from one person to another, as well as the causes. Although what causes migraine is not easy to point out, medical researches and studies show that some causes are;

  • Genetic: Most people with migraine headaches are likely to have a close relative with a similar condition.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormone changes during pregnancy, menopause or the menstrual period may trigger migraine attacks. This may be clearer in women experiencing migraine attacks.
  • Stress and anxiety: Lifestyle is vital to either increase or decrease migraine attacks.


There are different types of migraine headaches; however, not all can be treated with Botoks injections.

The main migraine types are;

  • Episodic migraine is a painful, severe headache that occurs for 14 days or less per month.
  • Chronic migraine, a severe headache that occurs for 15 days or more per month, may last for four or more hours and sometimes for more than one day.

It is important to clarify here that the patient may have a headache for 15 or more days, but it is not necessarily associated with migraine attacks. The patient may experience two or three attacks in a month that may last for hours or a day.

Another important point to be aware of is that the nature of the human body is to normalize pain after a while. Adding to this, migraines can not be diagnosed by doing certain tests. It is a purely clinical diagnosis based on the patient’s descriptions of their pain.

Therefore, it may not be easy for many chronic migraine patients to diagnose them with chronic migraines.

As a result, it is advisable for migraine sufferers to always;

  • Keep a record of the number of attacks per month.
  • Keep a record of the number of headache-free days per month.

By doing so, it makes it easier to figure out if the patient is suffering from chronic migraine or not.

It is essential to know the type of migraine the person suffers from, as the treatment differs. For example, botoks injections were approved to be used as a pain signals relief treatment for severe chronic migraine only, and there is no proof that it may work for episodic migraine.


There are different types of migraine headaches; however, not all can be treated with Botoks injections.

The main migraine types are;

  • Episodic migraine is a painful, severe headache that occurs for 14 days or less per month.
  • Chronic migraine, a severe headache that occurs for 15 days or more per month, may last for four or more hours and sometimes for more than one day.

It is important to clarify here that the patient may have a headache for 15 or more days, but it is not necessarily associated with migraine attacks. The patient may experience two or three attacks in a month that may last for hours or a day.

Another important point to be aware of is that the nature of the human body is to normalize pain after a while. Adding to this, migraines can not be diagnosed by doing certain tests. It is a purely clinical diagnosis based on the patient’s descriptions of their pain.

Therefore, it may not be easy for many chronic migraine patients to diagnose them with chronic migraines.

As a result, it is advisable for migraine sufferers to always;

  • Keep a record of the number of attacks per month.
  • Keep a record of the number of headache-free days per month.

By doing so, it makes it easier to figure out if the patient is suffering from chronic migraine or not.

It is essential to know the type of migraine the person suffers from, as the treatment differs. For example, botoks injections were approved to be used as a pain signals relief treatment for severe chronic migraine only, and there is no proof that it may work for episodic migraine.


People who can go for botoks injections are:

  • People with chronic migraine.
  • People over 18 years old.
  • People who are not allergic to any of the botoks injection ingredients.


The FDA has approved botoks injections for migraine treatment for over a decade. The  botoks injection relaxes the muscles, but it does not paralyze them.

Many studies have shown that timing is crucial for effective treatment and better results. Therefore, it is better to have botoks injections every 12 weeks.

By using a tiny needle, the doctor injects the chronic migraine patients with botoks. It is believed that botoks helps reducing pain.


The botoks injections for migraine are usually injected on;

  • The forehead.
  • Temples.
  • Back of the head.
  • The neck.


    Before taking any injections, the patient must ensure to do the following;

    1. Consult your ENT doctor. Check if you are eligible for botoks injections and don’t have any allergic reactions.
    2. Make sure to choose the right clinic. Even Though botoks injections are not a surgical process, it is essential to do it by a certified practitioner with a successful history of doing the same treatment before receiving injections.
    3. The pre-consultation between the patient and the medical practitioner or the doctor is very crucial. The patient should briefly tell the doctor about their medical history, conditions, medications they are currently on, and any previous surgery or botoks injections.
    4. Pregnant or breastfeeding women must not take botoks injections.
    5. Botoksinjection is not a cure for migraine; it is a preventive cure that prevents migraine attacks or lesser frequencies.


Botoks injections have promising results, but at the same time, they may have harmful ones. In the end, botoks is a toxic protein that causes food poisoning.

If botoks injection is not done by certified & qualified doctors, the consequences may be a disaster. Therefore, choosing the clinic is crucial.

I Nefertiti is one of the best options for you because;
  • I Nefertiti is a professional clinic with over ten years of experience.
  • High rate of successful surgeries and procedures.
  • Qualified & certified practitioners, doctors, and surgeons.
  • Providing excellent medical services starts with online free consultations to airport delivery.
  • Providing a fascinating treatment journey full of happy & exciting moments.
  • Professional medical staff who speak over six languages.

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