Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)



Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)



Due to several reasons, such as the environment and the aging process, the facial features of people change. At this point, plastic and cosmetic surgeries come to aid. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) surgery is a popular cosmetic surgery.

Over time, the muscles around the eyes get weakened. As a result, the upper and lower eyelid and eyebrows may sag, and under-eye bags may occur. An eyelid surgery is a solution for all these issues. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) in Egypt is a cosmetic surgery that tightens the eyelids by removing the sagging skin, natural creases, and accumulated fats from the lower and upper eyelids and reshaping them to fit the appearance of the eyes.

The procedure takes about two hours involving both the upper and lower eyelids.

In some cases, patients may want to combine the blepharoplasty operation with a brow lift to eliminate the aged appearance fully. It also has low-risk side effects, such as swelling, but disappears within one or two weeks. The results of the upper lids last for 5-7 years, while it is rare for the person to undergo the lower eyelid surgery again because it lasts for a long time.


The candidate for Blepharoplasty should be healthy and has no certain diseases which might hinder Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lifting) or lead to complications during or after the operation. The most common conditions are:

Thyroid diseases, Dry eyes, Hypertension, Circulatory disorders, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetic, Retinal detachment, Blue water in the eye

Moreover, the patient must be psychologically stable, expect realistic results and be at least 35 years old.


Some necessary recommendations that the patient must follow before the surgery to lift the eyelids: Carry out the required medical tests.

Take certain medications prescribed by the doctor, which help during the surgery. Inform your doctor about the current medications you have taken before the procedure.

Smoking should be avoided for at least a month before surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, NSAIDs, or herbal supplements that lead to bleeding and swelling for at least two weeks before the operation.

Stop taking stimulants, such as Arabic coffee and alcohol, for at least two weeks before the operation because it might hinder the anesthesia process. Avoid taking blood thinners, such as green tea, as they may cause severe bleeding and delay recovery.


There are a few methods for Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift). Although there are some outpatient surgeries as well, at I Nefertiti, we use the surgical technique since it gives certain results with higher success rates. The blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) surgery procedure has three simple stages:

  1. Anesthesia: It ensures the patient is comfortable and feels no pain during the operation. The patient is given either general or local anesthesia. Usually, the plastic surgeon chooses the best type of anesthesia that fits the patient.
  2. Surgical incision: In general, the incision lines are planned accurately so that the scars can be hidden within the natural lines of the eyelid. For the upper eyelid, the doctor tightens it by making a surgical incision within the natural lines of the eyelid, removing or repositioning the excess fat under the skin, tightening the muscles, and getting rid of the sagging eyelid skin. The incision is made under the lower lash line for the lower eyelid to remove or reposition the fat consistently.

Incision closing: After the removing excess skin process is over, the surgeon closes the incision. The incision is closed by stitches, then removed after one week.


In order to have a healthy and fast recovery period, there are some instructions that you must follow. Some of these necessary instructions days after the surgery are as follows:

  1. Use ice packs on the eyes for ten minutes every hour to make a cold compress immediately after the operation. Use the ice packs between four to five times a day following your surgery.
  2. Clean the eyelids nicely using eye drops and certain ointments prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Refrain from stress or strenuous activity, which might delay recovery for a week after the operation.
  4. Refrain from swimming for at least one week following the operation.
  5. Refrain from doing challenging exercises for at least a week after the operation.
  6. Refrain from smoking for at least a week.
  7. Refrain from scratching your eyes to avoid any harm.
  8. Do not use eye lenses for at least two weeks after the operation.
  9. Wear black glasses to protect your eyelids from any exposure to the sun and wind.
  10. When you lie down or sleep, you should raise your head more than your chest for a few days after the operation.
  11. Refrain from taking blood thinners, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements, for at least a week after the operation because it might lead to bleeding.

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