Gastric Botoks



Gastric Botoks

Gastric Botoks


In Turkey, Gastric Botoks, also known as Stomach Botoks, is one of the latest, safest non-surgical solutions for losing weight. The gastric botoks procedure works the same way as botoks works in the face area. Injection of botulinum toxin, botoks, in the stomach relaxes the stomach muscles, causing them to be severely interrupted. This interruption significantly reduces stomach contractions.

The effect of this procedure reduces hunger and bowel movement. Therefore, you will feel full after only eating a small portion. That will help you stop gaining any more weight, of course, alongside exercising to eliminate the excess weight you already have.

Gastric botoks is a non-surgical operation in which the doctor injects the stomach botoks without any surgical incision. The operation is performed through a laparoscope.


Stomach Botoks Injection is only suitable for people who have the following conditions:

  • Those who have excess body weight.
  • Those whose body mass index is suitable for the operation.
  • Those who struggle with their appetite control.
  • Those who have failed to lose weight even with different diets and exercise.
  • Those who cannot maintain a healthy lifestyle.

However, this method is not recommended for people who suffer from;  Obesity, Severe allergies, Chronic disorders such as diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure.

Everything is to assure you that you are in safe hands…


The gastric botoks operation does not take longer time than 45 – 60 minutes. There are some instructions that patients should follow before the procedure to avoid side effects. Some of these tips are:

  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks to a month before the operation.
  • Refrain from taking any medication that may affect the gastric secretions, as it may cause problems during the operation.
  • Refrain from eating anything for at least 12 hours before the operation’s due time.
  • Refrain from taking medication that may cause blood dilution, such as Ibuprofen.
  • If you suffer from any digestive system condition, inform the doctor who will operate.


The patient must follow some instructions to obtain successful results and support the effects of botoks after the operation.

  • Refrain from eating or drinking before the anesthetic effect is completely gone. If you do, you may subconsciously intake an unwanted amount due to the effects of the anesthetic drug.
  • Refrain from carrying any heavyweight or doing exhausting work for at least three days after the operation.
  • Strictly follow the customized diet given by your doctor.
  • Keep exercising to burn fats and support the operation.
  • Following the procedure, take a full day of rest. It is expected that the patient sometimes might feel dizzy due to the impact of the endoscope and anesthesia.

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