Beard and mustache transplantation



Beard and mustache transplantation

Beard and mustache transplantation

What is beard and mustache transplantation?

Growing a beard and mustache for some can be difficult because beard hair loss, like hair loss on the head, is common among men. So, facial hair transplantation is the right solution for many. Beard and mustache hair transplantation is done without surgery by transferring hair follicles from the donor area, i.e. the back of the head, to the recipient area or to be treated, i.e. the chin and mustache.
Most of the time, hair follicles, which look like strips of tissue, are taken from the head because the hair on the head is healthier, stronger, and more vibrant compared to the hair on the beard or mustache. But do not worry, when the transplanted hair grows, it will look natural, like chin hair, not like head hair.

Beard and mustache transplantation techniques

Beard and mustache transplantation is almost the same as hair transplantation. The only difference is that more than one technique is used for head hair transplantation (beard and mustache transplantation), for example DHI, FUI or FUT (follicular unit transplantation) can be used. As for beard (chin hair) and mustache transplantation, it is recommended to use the DHI technique, which is the most common and widely used technique in facial hair transplantation.
There are three basic techniques used in beard and mustache transplantation as follows:
DHI technology
The DHI technique is the best for beard and mustache hair transplantation, where the follicles are taken from the donor area by means of a micro motor- to be implanted directly in the recipient area using CHOI Implanter pens. With just one click, the doctor can open a channel and implant the follicle at the same time. The operation takes about 6-8 hours, and a maximum of 3,500 hair follicles are transplanted.

Who needs beard and mustache transplantation

There are conditions that a person must meet in order to be suitable for beard and mustache transplantation, which are as follows:
The person must be
Incomplete beard
He is healthy
Has healthy hair in the donor area, which is often the head area, from which hair follicles are extracted and transplanted in the recipient area.
Twenty-five years and over.
It is free from any skin diseases that could hinder the hair transplantation process.

Who needs beard and mustache transplantation

There are conditions that a person must meet in order to be suitable for beard and mustache transplantation, which are as follows:
The person must be
Incomplete beard
He is healthy
Has healthy hair in the donor area, which is often the head area, from which hair follicles are extracted and transplanted in the recipient area.
Twenty-five years and over.
It is free from any skin diseases that could hinder the hair transplantation process.

Tips and instructions after beard and mustache transplantation

Aftercare is necessary to ensure a successful beard and mustache transplant and to achieve successful results. After the beard transplant procedure and during the hair restoration period, the patient must adhere to the following in order to grow healthy hair:
Keeping the head up – that is, not bending over.
Avoid watering or washing the transplanted area for 73 hours after planting.
stop doing sports or strenuous work for 15 days after transplantation; Because it may cause the implanted follicles to fall out.
Avoid hair rays, heat and high humidity for at least a month.
Refrain from swimming in the sea for three months and in the pool for two months.
Avoid smoking for two months after beard transplantation. Because it hinders the growth of transplanted hair.
Avoid Turkish bath and sauna for a month.
Plasma injection – PRP – is recommended because it strengthens the transplanted hair follicles.
Continue to take the necessary treatment and medications prescribed by the doctor to recover faster and support beard growth.
Avoid sexual intercourse for a week.

Stages of beard and mustache transplantation

The stages of beard and mustache transplantation are similar to the stages of head hair transplantation, as follows:

Clinical examination: at this stage, the density of the donor area and the baldness areas in the chin are determined. The number of follicles and grafts to be extracted is also determined.
Medical examinations: Examinations, such as blood and skin tests, are performed to ensure that the patient is ready for beard and mustache transplantation.
Preparation for the extraction process: At this stage, the donor area is shaved to prepare it for the stage of extracting the hair follicles, after which the patient is anesthetized.
Extraction of hair follicles: Healthy hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using a micro-motor and placed in a saline solution to preserve them until they are transplanted into the recipient area.
Implantation stage: The follicles are placed in Choi pens, and with just one click, the channels are opened, and the follicles are implanted at the same time.

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